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Partnering with Patients: Explaining the Value of Patient Reported Outcomes in Physical Therapy Care

Discover how collecting physical therapy patient outcomes can be enhanced by effectively communicating the value of PROs. Learn strategies to engage patients and turn PROs into tools for personalized care.
September 3, 2024
Healthcare Provider examining diagnostic image

As a physical therapist, you know the importance of tailoring treatment plans to each individual's unique needs and goals. But, how do you effectively communicate the value of Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) to your patients and encourage consistent completion throughout their PT journey? Here are some strategies to turn outcomes collection from perceived paperwork into powerful tools for personalized care:

Frame Patient Reported Outcomes as a Collaborative Effort:

  • Shift the language: Instead of exclusively calling them "surveys" or "assessments," emphasize PROs as a joint effort between you and the patient. They're not just filling out forms but actively participating in their recovery.
  • Use "we" language: Talk about "working together" to track progress, identify challenges, and adjust the treatment plan based on their feedback. This fosters a sense of partnership and ownership

Highlight the Benefits for Patients:

  • Personalization: Explain how PROs help you understand their specific goals, preferences, and pain points. This allows you to create a treatment plan that's relevant and meaningful to them, and gives them a voice.
  • Early Intervention: Emphasize that PROs serve as early warning systems. They can detect subtle changes in their symptoms or function, allowing you to address potential issues before they become major setbacks.
  • Objective Progress Tracking: Show them how PROs provide concrete data on their progress. Seeing their improvement in numbers can be incredibly motivating and boost their confidence in the therapy process.
Physical therapist works with patient in-clinic

Address Common Concerns:

  • Time constraints: Acknowledge their busy schedules and offer flexible options for completing PROs when they have the time to do so.
  • Confidentiality: Assure them that their responses are completely confidential and only used to guide their treatment.
  • Technical difficulties: Be prepared to offer assistance with any technological challenges they might face when completing PROs. Ensure that clinic tablets are charged to streamline PRO collection.

Make it Engaging and Interactive:

  • Keep it simple and concise: Avoid medical jargon and technical terms. Use clear, understandable language that resonates with your patients.
  • Be patient and understanding: It may take some time for patients to grasp the value of PROs fully. Be patient, answer their questions, and address any concerns they might have.
  • Lead by example: Show your patients how much you value their feedback by actively listening to their responses and incorporating their insights into their treatment plan.

The Bottom Line:

By effectively communicating the value of PROs and making the completion process engaging and informative, you can turn them into powerful tools for personalized care and empower your patients to become active partners in their own recovery.